

Hydraulic modelling

  • Annual training course in 2D flow modelling

Modélisation bidimensionnelle des écoulements en rivière avec Rubar 20

  • Annual training course in 1D hydro-sediment modelling

Journées de la modélisation 1D

River Hydraulics

  • Continuous training at the engineering school ENGEES « Hydraulics applied to flood risk management » : 4 days per year
  • Hydraulics applied to flood risk management (M2 Level), ENGEES, 17 hours per year. University lecture, regular.
  • Applied hydraulics (level: L1), Univ. Lyon 1, 26 hours per year. University lecture, regular.
  • Applied hydraulics (level: M1), Univ. Lyon 1, 12 hours per year. University lecture, regular.
  • Flood risk (M2), Univ. Lyon 1, 6 hours per year. University lecture, regular.

Sediment transport

  • River hydraulics courses at ENTPE (école nationale des travaux publics de l’Etat) : courses and tutorials in hydraulics and sediment transport, co-management of the course. University lecture, regular.
  • Training course in the measurement of solid transport for AFB agents responsible for monitoring sediment restoration or maintaining sediment continuity (over 4 days, 2017 and 2019).
  • Supervision of a solid transport engineering project for 3rd-year ENGEES students (over 2 days, since 2016). University lecture, regular.


  • Annual training course on measuring regulatory flows for AFB officers responsible for water policing operations (4 days, since 2010)
  • Annual training course on "Advanced statistics for calculating uncertainties in hydrology. Applications to prediction and hydrometry" for national hydrological services (5 days, IFORE/CVRH, since 2015)
  • Lecturer and vice-president of the international hydrometry course organised by AIRH/AISH/WMO (Andong-Korea 2013, 3 days, Hanoi-Vietnam 2014, Queenstown-NZ 2016, Lyon-France 2018)

Modification date: 01 July 2024 | Publication date: 06 June 2023 | By: SW